Samih Darwazah Center for Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Launched at American University of Beirut

[January 2011] Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC and the American University of Beirut’s Suliman S. Olayan School of Business (OSB) announce the Inauguration of the Samih Darwazah Center for Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship, made possible by a grant from the Samih Darwazah Foundation.

Press Release Responsibility 14 January 2011

The center is a collaborative effort between the Samih Darwazah Foundation and AUB, an esteemed academic institute, in the name of entrepreneurship and innovation for the benefit of future generations.

Samih Darwazah founded Hikma Pharmaceuticals in 1978 after receiving his Masters degree in Industrial Pharmacy form St. Louis College of Pharmacy, Missouri. Hikma Pharmaceuticals is a leading pharmaceutical firm devoted to developing, manufacturing and marketing quality medication. Samih Darwazah’s career is marked by many honors and distinctions including Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources in Jordan, member of the Advisory Economic Council to His Majesty King Hussein of Jordan, a member of the Senate, Entrepreneur of the Year for the Middle East by Ernst &Young and Chairman of Capital Bank of Jordan.

Most recently Mr Darwazah was granted an honorary doctorate from St. Louis College of Pharmacy. His legacy continues with the inauguration of the Darwazah Center for Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship. The opening of the center took place in Beirut on January 14th at the OSB and included the participation of Mr Samih Darwazah. Mr Darwazah’s story and achievements correspond directly to the mission of the center as it is designed to enhance innovative ideas by documenting best practices from the real world. Mr Samih Darwazah stated, “Research is anything new you discover, and then use in your product or everyday practice.

Research means innovation, means survival.” At AUB’s business school, the Darwazah Center will integrate research, field studies, benchmarking, seminars, and workshops, as well as conferences. The new center hopes to combat the risks facing enterprise today including the idea that they must “innovate or die”. The center offers resources and solutions to drive creativity and improvement.

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