Hikma renews Partnership with INJAZ for Youth Programs

Amman, 18 October 2015 - Hikma Pharmaceuticals, represented by Vice President of Corporate Communication, Hana Darwazeh Ramadan, signed a renewal agreement with INJAZ, represented by CEO Deema Bibi, to support INJAZ’s efforts in building students’ professional capacities and enhancing the local educational environment.

Press Release Responsibility 18 October 2015

According to the partnership agreement, Hikma will adopt the implementation of INJAZ programs at four universities as well as its Destination Imagination program in two schools across Jordan, providing them with qualified volunteers from Hikma to train beneficiaries of the programs.

“Hikma’s partnership with INJAZ lies in our common commitment to Jordan’s youth and to developing their skills in order to ensure their future success,” Ramadan said. “Hikma is always pleased to have the opportunity to participate in the education and training of young people. Through supporting these beneficial programs, we strive to foster in them not only vocational capabilities, but also a robust entrepreneurial spirit, thereby strengthening the local economy.”

On the occasion of the signing, Bibi expressed her gratitude and appreciation for Hikma’s continuous support in INJAZ’s various programs. She invited Hikma to continue partnering with INJAZ on its mission to offer Jordanian students improved opportunities and to prepare them to join the workforce as productive members of society.

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