Hikma raises Awareness for Breast Cancer from Saudi Arabia to the United States

The Hikma annual day against Breast Cancer took place on October 28th; every Hikma unit organised events around this theme. Some of the activities included free clinical examinations and reduced rates mammograms offered to female employees over 40 in Jordan as well as an internal communication campaign, awareness emails and a lecture on breast cancer and how to prevent it.

Press Release Responsibility 28 October 2009

Hikma employees in Saudi Arabia were invited to a breast cancer awareness session and in Hikma Portugal, employees raised money to help renovate a breast cancer centre. In Germany, female employees were encouraged to take advantage of free check-ups offered by the company. In the United States, staff members made and sold 1,500 pink ribbons to support breast cancer research in their community and in Hikma Italy, employees organized a breast cancer awareness campaign.

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