Hikma Pharmaceuticals Signs Agreement to Develop an Industrial Pharmaceuticals Faculty

The Chairman of Hikma Pharmaceuticals, Mr Samih Darwazah, signed an agreement with Yarmouk University which has been established in Jordan since 1976, that encompasses scientific collaboration and research, and most notably the establishment of an Industrial Pharmaceuticals Faculty. The faculty is to include a pilot factory as a hands-on educational method.

Press Release Responsibility 2 February 2011

The agreement affirmed the exchange of scientific and practical experiences, and the involvement of faculty members in terms of lecturing and conducting joint research projects and participating in scientific conferences and symposia, in addition to the joint supervision of Masters and PhD courses in the disciplines the faculty offers.

The agreement also expressed the willingness of Hikma pharmaceuticals to hire the honorary students of Yarmouk University in disciplines relevant to its industry, in addition to an agreement on the exchange of books, periodicals and journals issued by both sides.

This scientific collaboration embodies Hikma’s dedication to education and demonstrates the importance of interaction within the institutions of our community, especially in this vital area.

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