Hikma Pharmaceuticals Holds Breast Cancer Awareness Campaign

[Amman, Jordan – October 2010] This month Hikma Pharmaceuticals in 10 locations in 8 different countries hosted a breast cancer awareness campaign in recognition of International Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Hikma’s 5000 employees across the globe learned about early detection and the importance of regular health screenings. Volunteers from Hikma took an active role in the fight against breast cancer by holding lectures, providing cancer screenings, and distributing information in the community. Hikma’s participation in Breast Cancer Awareness Month falls in line with the pharmaceutical company’s mission to improve the health of the community not only through manufacturing quality pharmaceuticals but also by emphasizing corporate social responsibility programs.

Press Release Responsibility 27 October 2010

Early detection is critical for winning the fight against the cancer that affects both women and men. Approximately 800 new cases of breast cancer are diagnosed each year in Jordan, and breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in the kingdom. This week Hikma volunteers were seen on the campus of Jordan University distributing breast cancer educational materials. Additionally, Hikma distributed informational brochures internally from the Jordan Breast Cancer Program (JBCP), including the Jordan breast cancer annual newsletter, cancer facts, self examination steps, a booklet about the types of breast examination, and bookmarks.

Also as part of the campaign and in cooperation with the JBCP, clinical exams for employees took place at the Hikma facilities in Amman and Al Salt this month and some Hikma employees received passes for mammogram screenings free of charge. Lectures were offered to empower employees and raise awareness about the importance of early detection.

Ms. Hana Ramadan, Director of Corporate Communication at Hikma stated, “It is important for Hikma employees and the community to know about breast cancer and the importance of early detection. Hikma is committed to improving the health of people in Jordan and we hope that our lectures, screenings, and the walk in the community can raise awareness for this condition.”

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