Hikma Pharmaceuticals Health Partner of the World Economic Forum in Davos

Amman, January 2017 – Hikma Pharmaceuticals, the fast growing multinational pharmaceutical group, participated in the World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos, Switzerland, held between 17 and 20 January, 2017.

Press Release Responsibility 23 January 2017

Hikma renewed its partnership with the WEF, becoming a Health Industry Associate of the Forum again for 2017. In Davos, Hikma joined over 50 industry partners working to advance the global health and healthcare agenda by cultivating partnerships that catalyze sustainable action.

In addition, Mazen Darwazeh, Hikma Vice Chairman, President and CEO of MENA and Emerging Markets, participated as a speaker in two sessions. In the ‘Success through Ethics’ session held on Wednesday, Darwazeh described how a multinational pharmaceutical company with expansions in emerging markets manages to sustain its business and continue growing.

“Ethics are the core of Hikma’s business sustainability,” said Darwazeh. “Hikma conducts its business in adherence to principles of quality, integrity, transparency, dignity and respect for all.”

In Friday’s ‘Realizing the Migration Dividend’ session, participants explored how businesses and governments can respond to the short-term challenges of migration to tap into its long-term benefits, among which are a more diverse workforce. Darwazah presented the unique perspective of a Jordanian business working closely with policymakers to find a common approach to challenges.

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