Hikma partners with the world economic forum

Amman, January 2016 – Hikma Pharmaceuticals, the fast growing multinational pharmaceutical group, participated in the 46th World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland between 20 and 23 January, 2016, alongside 2,500 business and political leaders from 99 countries. As a Healthcare Industry Partner of the WEF for 2016, Hikma engaged with an exclusive network of 40 healthcare industry leaders to shape the future of health industries in a strategic and socially responsible way.

Press Release Responsibility 21 January 2016

Moreover, Mazen Darwazeh, Hikma Executive Vice Chairman, President and CEO of MENA and Emerging Markets, examined the refugee and security crisis at the Global Risk Imperative session, together with the Director-General of the International Organization for Migration (IOM) and members of the public and private sectors. During the session, panelists discussed the significance of public-private and international partnerships to build companies’ resilience capabilities in the face of an increasingly complex ecosystem where risks are interdependent across sectors and stakeholders.

At another session focusing on Value Based Care, Darwazeh discussed how to implement standard protocols to healthcare in order to become more efficient and of better value to patients.

“As a global platform for public-private cooperation, the WEF presents us with the ideal opportunity to share in-depth insights and the latest innovations in the health sector, as well as to tackle global issues such as the refugee crisis,” said Darwazeh “In light of recent breakthrough technologies, demographic shifts and political transformations, high-impact partnerships are becoming increasingly imperative.”

He continued, “Our vision to improve the quality of healthcare provided to patients around the world is better served through our Healthcare Industry Partnership at the WEF. We work diligently with health leaders worldwide to address the global health challenge, and to deliver the means for healthy living and health security.”

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