Hikma Holds its 7th Volunteering Day

Amman, 15 April 2014 – Hikma Pharmaceuticals, the leading pharmaceutical company, held its 7th Global Volunteering Day in April, in all of its main manufacturing facilities worldwide. In Jordan, this celebration was held in collaboration with Tkiyet Um Ali, an initiative that provides food and services on daily basis to the less privileged sectors of Jordanian society.

Press Release Responsibility 15 April 2014

The annual volunteering day is part of Hikma’s continuous strategic corporate responsibility activities; it comes to emphasize the essential role of voluntary work in supporting various organizations to improve and strengthen societies, and to instill volunteering conduct in Hikma employees.

This year Hikma employees volunteered at Tkiyet Um Ali’s main warehouse and helped in preparing 400 food packages for passers-by. Moreover, Hikma will be supporting 35 families for a whole year through the provision of food packages on monthly basis.

“Our volunteers had a great sense of satisfaction as they were helping the needy and the hungry in obtaining their daily sustenance,” commented Hana Ramadan, VP of Communications at Hikma. She added “Hikma fully understands the importance of ensuring that all Jordanians are provided with the basics of survival, such as healthy food. At Hikma we provide high-quality medications to ensure the general well being of humans and through this year’s collaboration we are addressing the malnutrition issue as well.”

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