Hikma engages with its communities on World Diabetes Day 2009

On World Diabetes Day in November 2009, several activities were undertook by Hikma’s CR team.

Press Release Responsibility 6 October 2009

For instance, in Jordan, lectures were given explaining how the disease is caused, how to recognise the symptoms and how it is treated. A poster campaign encouraged employees to make sure they and their families receive regular check-ups. Moreover, a football match in Dunes Club was organized between the Marketing team and Hikma Headquarters colleagues in order to encourage physical activity.

In Egypt, diabetes informational flyers were distributed to employees, their families and local medical community including doctors’ clinics, pharmacies and health clubs. Within the Company, random blood sugar analysis was performed on a number of employees who volunteered for tests as well as osteoporosis tests for a number of female employees.

The team at West-ward also took part in American Heart Foundation’s Heart Walk campaign.

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